Dry volume measures are used to measure bulk commodities that are not gas or liquid. They are typically used to measure grain and dried and fresh fruit (e.g. a retail unit of a peck of pears) and in cooking measurements. They are also used in fishing for crabs, clams, etc. and for many other substances (e.g. coal, cement, sand) because these commodities were typically delivered in standardized containers such as barrels.
This online unit converter allows quick and accurate conversion between many units of measure, from one system to another. The Unit Conversion page provides a solution for engineers, translators, and for anyone whose activities require working with quantities measured in different units.
This converter requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This script creates as close a conversion as is possible within the situation of converting dry volumes to a comparable volume in a wet measure standard. You must retain a relationship as there is a measure of weight or a measure of volume; the two do NOT cross boundaries. For instance, a pint (volume) of rice and a pint of lead sinkers occupy the same space but there is a significant difference in weight. An ounce of lead and an ounce of rice weight the same but there is a significant volume difference.
Enter a number in any one field and click on Convert. (Some browsers will not require clicking and will change immediately.) Read the conversions in all other fields. Various measurement units are used in this converter. Use it with caution and fully understand the implications of systems, weight and volume differences. Any such conversion is at best a close compromise.
For large (usually dry) measures:
One bushel (bu) is 4 pecks (pk) is 8 gallons.
For small measures (usually for wet usage):
4 gills (gi) is 1 pint, 8 US fluid drams (fl dr) or 8 U.K. drachm (fl dr) is one fluid ounce.
US Liquid "kitchen" measures:
One cup is 8 fluid ounces or half a pint (U.S.). 3 tea spoons is one table spoon is half a fluid ounce (U.S.).
One UK water ton is 224 (Imperial) Gallons.
Note that the US system and the Imperial system have a different amount of fluid ounces to a pint (especially if you are DRINKING a pint in the UK). Enter a "1" in either the Imperial or US field and click on convert to see the differences. Also see our Cooking Liquid And Dry Measure Conversion Tables.
If you want to calculate an area of square feet for a room or area for flooring, landscaping, carpets or tiling then see the area calculator.
Dry volume measures are used to measure bulk commodities that are not gas or liquid.
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